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Megs Mum to Nicholas Windsor I know your pain April 8, 2011
As many mother's here know your pain I hope that you feel the love and understanding I sent to you today. I too had a son taken from me. I am lucky that the man that murderd Nicholas has been put away for life.

My son has been laid to rest in England and I live here in Chicago so I to understand the pain of not being close to your love one.

I send you and Kyle love from my heart to your.

With Love always. Megan.

Mother to Nicholas Windsor.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL KYLE JOSEPH April 7, 2011

                              APRIL 8, 2005

Sending you my gentle thoughts and prayers for a Blessed, Glorious, and Happy Heavenly Birthday with God and all our Angels in Heaven.

                           MISSING YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY
Stop by your grandmother's dreams and help her celebrate your birthday in her dreams, for that is the only way she can really be close to you in person and be part of your heavenly birthday.



Love and Peace, LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Happy 6th Birthday ~Kyle~ April 7, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday in Heaven cutie Kyle.  Sending you birthday hugs to you in Heaven above birthday boy!!  Sending gentle hugs to your special nana Judy.  ((((((Judy))))))
dragan's dad Blessed Heavenly Birthday April 7, 2011
     An dates are so hard on loved ones , especially one's own childern.
Venica Weisend Kyle Holland April 6, 2011
                                               ALWAYS THINKING OF YOU 
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa THINKING OF YOU ANGEL KYLE March 3, 2011

                          GOD BLESS YOU ANGEL KYLE

May God's Angels always guide you into everlasting love, joy, peace, and glory along your heavenly journey.
 Life is very achy without our children.

Peace, LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
From Kyle with help from Leah Sending Birthday Wishes to my special cousin Dylan February 28, 2011


Barbara Pisano Thank you so very much February 25, 2011
From where we reign,we thank you so
For your kind remembrance of us and our families below
We had a beautiful day,cause all were there
Yes you too,were with us, in mind,heart and prayer
As we are not forgotten,neither are you
We busy ourselves with much to do
New souls arrive on a daily basis
And we gather with them,cause their families they miss
We show them how love continues to grow
By connecting our loved ones to soften the blow
You see, their hearts are broken,they are in so much pain
And we rejoice when our efforts are not in vain
Continue to hold each other up,it's when we're happiest here
We relish the laughter ,never the tears

Thank you for everything,there was much joy in Heaven Love and God Bless
 Nicky and Angie and their families

Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ ~Kyle~ February 23, 2011
Total Condolences: 90
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